Saturday, 9 July 2011

Yoga for the mind, not just the body

                                                    yoga chitta vritti nirodhah

Yoga benefits so many people, not just the fit and healthy. This evening two carers brought an Autistic lady to my class, and it warmed me to see her smile to herself as she joined in. Earlier in the day I taught a group at a mental health resource centre, who really grasp the concept of yoga as a way to look after the mind whether it be through asana practice, pranayama, visualisation or meditation and relaxation. I wonder if this is because they are more aware of their own mental state, and have a greater desire to improve this than most of us? 
Patanjali describes yoga in the Yoga Sutra 1.2 "yoga chitta vritti nirodhah" Yoga is the ability to direct the mind exclusively toward an object and sustain that direction without any distractions (The Heart of Yoga, T.V.K.Desikachar), creating inner stability to control the fluctuations of the mind.

So, whilst Yoga is about creating a beautifully still mind this is overshadowed at times by the desire to create a more beautiful, supple, slim body. We are bombarded with so many images of toned, tanned, perfect(??) bodies, and this has filtered into the yoga world as it becomes more and more popular. However, yoga is not competitive; it is a practice, a devotion, a way of being, not a sport. My heart sinks when students ask me if yoga will help them to loose weight or gain a great figure, but then a small part of it lights up at the challenge of helping these students to discover the true benefits of still the mind, de-clutter, quiet the chatter, create focus and fluidity.

Whatever the reason, I hope that even if you come to your mat with the desire to improve your figure, you soon feel the real benefits of this age old practice.  

We will be continuing our yoga for health programme with a series of sessions at Bodmin Hospital recovery ward this month. Please contact us for more information on this and any other of our sessions @